Kick-start your L&D in 2018 with Square Mile Leadership
Happy New Year to all!
We are very excited to kick-start 2018 by announcing that we have a number of scheduled start dates for the ILM Level 3 and Level 5 Diplomas for Leaders and Managers. Our aim is to help as many organisations as possible make the most of their levy fund before they lose it after the two-year term is up. We hope that by offering several start dates that it may encourage you to want to offer your talent the opportunity to take the next step in their ‘career development’ and gain an ILM Leadership Diploma! View our full listings here.

Our most recent Leadership and the Levy Forum event held back in December 2017 was a great success, and we’re hoping that more of you will be attending our next forum dates in February!
We discussed some very interesting topics about leadership and in particular, how important our behaviour is when we think about what it takes to be a great leader. We also received some fantastic feedback about our event and are already looking forward to making our February events our best yet!
At SML, we have been working hard to link the tasks with the objectives and behaviours to make it easier for our learners to navigate through their Diploma programme, and are proud to be one of the only providers to do so! Why not come along to our next event to find out what else we have done to further improve the quality and support for our learners. Click here for further details and how to book.
In other news, we have been working with our good friends at to help promote the benefits of the Apprenticeship Levy and try to encourage organisations to view it as an unprecedented opportunity to develop their employees, not simply ‘just another tax’. are putting together a new, comprehensive L&D report, which will be published on their website and in various other mediums, and we were asked to include a comment from one of our Apprenticeship clients - the wonderful Ali Thomas at the Natural History Museum. Here’s what she had to say:
What advice would you give to companies looking to make the most of the apprenticeship levy?
"Put your people first! Think about maximising on your levy by reinvesting in your current workforce to fulfil an organisational need through conversion. Look at your employee engagement surveys and staff development plans to find the gaps/priority areas and build or refresh the skills of your workforce. Your staff will value the opportunity if they have been in post for a while and appreciate the development during a time of political and economic uncertainty.
Take the opportunity now to be prepared for the future. We feel very proud to have created an inspirational leadership group at the Natural History Museum made up of managers from across the breadth of our business.

Through this programme our ambition is to create the inspirational leaders and managers of the future and empower and support our full workforce for what lies ahead. We would highly recommend you take this opportunity to look closely at your talent and what they might be able to do for your organisation in future with the right investment and application."
Don’t forget to book your place at our next Leadership and the Levy forum, so you can let us help you make the most of the levy for your organisation. Book here.
We look forward to working with many more of you over the course of this year. Let’s get set to create lasting relationships and help you kick-start your Learning and Development plans for 2018.
Keep an eye out for our next month's blog post that will be looking at Organisational Culture Yesterday and Today, highlighting the necessity to adapt in a changing world.