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Ready, Levy, Go! - A Perfect Solution to Developing Your Leadership Talent

Improve Leaders at All Levels

Apprenticeships have a long history of developing skills and knowledge. Now, built and funded by employers, the new apprenticeship standards enable employers to improve leaders at all levels.

With approximately 1.4 million employees lacking proficiency in their current role the new style apprenticeships are the perfect solution to bridge the massive leadership skills gap.

With the Apprenticeship Levy all businesses can now develop any of their employees, no matter what their age, what level or how qualified they are, from new talent to senior management.

These new apprenticeships are not just about technical or vocational skills; they’ve been built by employers for the exact skills organisations need to succeed.

ILM diploma qualifications, delivered by Square Mile Leadership and blended with the PIVOT/ILM Learning Management System, are perfectly aligned to the new standards, with a focus on developing ‘practical’ leadership skills and knowledge, providing the highest standards of support from design until end point assessment, our expert teams combine to provide seamless outcomes for the organisation and its developing people.

The award-winning PIVOT platform fuses training content with a comprehensive suite of interactive digital learning resources and interfaces to manage learners, assessors, administrators, funding and data, all in one place.

Learners receive a ‘digital credential’ for each management unit they complete; recognising and rewarding their achievement at every stage. Digital credentials are particularly important for leadership and management disciplines to highlight both the skills and abilities of the learner and demonstrate how they benefit their organisation.

ILM Leadership Diplomas - Has there ever been a better way to fulfill the potential of your talent?

As a levy paying organisation one of our Apprenticeship Levy Consultants will be delighted to answer your questions by phone on 0207 436 3636, Zoom video conference, arrange a visit or attend a SML Leadership Exchange Forum and Networked Apprenticeship Levy Discussion.

Compiled by Nick Horan 30/4/2017

Practical, Focused, Results-Driven; Networked for Success

Combining Training, Digital Learning, Coaching, Face to Face and Professional Networking

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